17.01.2023 - 03.02.2023 (Week 2 - Week 4) Vishmitha Krisna Kumar (0360488) Design Principles / Bachelors of Fashion Design Technology. PROJECT 1: SELF-POTRAIT RECAP : During Week 1 till Week 2, we were able to complete our first EXERCISE assignment while learning the basics of the many design principles. We were able to make use of the principle in our designs to come up with interesting and creative ideas during that period of time. After creating 2 designs while incorporating a design principle for each design, we were able to advance in our skills and learn from our peers. During Week 2 we were also briefed of the commencement of our first project which is PROJECT 1. TASK : In this project, we are required to create a portrait of yourself by applying the various principles that you had learnt through these weeks. SELF-POTRAIT 1.1 Visual References Figure 1.1.1 Sample of portraits that I found online. Figure 1.1.2 'Refl...