WEEK 4 - 25/4/2023 No physical classes
This week there were no physical class so we continued to complete our assignment tasks which includes the seams and women and men's trousers. I had started with the drafting of women's trousers. I followed the guide in the notes that was provided to us. The guide provided the front and bank of the trousers on top of the trousers which I had originally followed but then later changed it. I had trouble tracing the trousers as it was my first time. Figure 1 Figure 2 The curves were especially confusing to sketch as it is different for various designs and required a certain technique to do so. Hence, I left the curve and decided to ask for advice during our next tutorial class. Besides that, the tracing went smooth and I had completed the men's and women's trousers accordingly. I then started to finish up my seam exercises for final submission. I actually really enjoyed doing this as it required more technical and sewing work with the machine. Through this I learnt the v...