Description: Week 04 – Week 09 (6 weeks) 

Based on the first assessment task result, students are required to create an experimental garment draping using spontaneous draping process. This task will allow students to explore garment draping in creating different shape and silhouette. Students are required to design ONE outfit and translate the idea into draping technique and produce the garment in White Cotton Fabric. This task will allow students to explore garment draping in creating different shape and silhouette. Students are required to transfer draping result into working pattern and sew to form a complete garment. 

Requirements: Garment to be produce on White Cotton Fabric.


I have been really interested in overlaying panels in a way of draping them. These are some inspiration pictures that I referred to throughout this project to help the process.

I had decided to do paneling to follow my final look 1 for the show. 
with a princess line bodice and a skirt.  

firstly, I had drafted the bodice pattern for princess line according to our first task. adding seam allowance of 1.5cm.

Transferring the pattern pieces from the pattern onto mahjong paper with a tracing wheel to make a master pattern block first.


Then, retrace the pattern with a 1.5cm allowance onto a separate paper to be used as the base pattern for this project. 
Pinning the pattern pieces onto white cotton to produce our test fit and cutting out all the pattern pieces separately with a 1.5 cm allowance except for the center back panel with a 3cm allowance for the zip.

Match up the centre front and side front pieces together and pin them following the notches to get the curve of the princess line top. Sew all the panels together including the side seams

Iron open all the seams and sew the shoulder line.

Draping the panels onto the mannequin according to the Look 1.

After deciding on the draping technique, I decided to cut out 3 panels of white cotton with width 20cm and 140cm in length. then, of the same length but 8cm width, cut out paper interfacing (to maintain the structure when draping) and iron it onto the white cotton panels. sew a tuck seam to finish off the panels. 

Then I draped and pinned the panels onto the mannequin according to the design. Once I was satisfied with the structure, I began hand sewing the panels together. 

View of the paneling from front, side and back:

I added one layer of my texture manipulation onto the panel to get a better view on the final product.

I then started on the skirt. I used the skirt block that Ms.Melina helped us to draft last semester to complete the skirt. After cutting out the skirt patern, I sewed in the darts and side seams.

After consulting with Ms. Melina, she had advised me to remove two of the darts on the skirt to make the skirt as a princess line skirt. This is to improve the fit of the skirt. So, I decided to do the necessary adjustments onto the skirt.
Removing 2 of the darts on the front panel: 

Elongating the darts at the front and back panel to make a princess line skirt.

After all the final adjustments, I attached a 10inch zip for the finishing of the skirt.

Adding ruffles at the bottom of the skirt to create a flowy look.

To create a finished look for the princess line bodice, I used bias tape as the finishing to make it look neat. (especially the armhole and neckline)

Attaching a 12-inch zip to the princess line bodice:
This was a little tricky as I had to invert the zip to fit the mannequin. If i we to sew the zip the right side up, it would not be able to fit the mannequin as the width of the waist of the top is narrower than the mannequin's shoulder.



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